Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Last night Facebook spams a new op-ed on Church and State by Don Collins, a member of several governing boards and advisory groups in America, stating that it does not conform to their Community Standards (WITH UPDATE - DAY 27 25/2/2018)

Our Church and State website has no less than 40 Nobel Prize winners on it; for details, see this blog's sidebar under "Church and State" (updated today).

Powerful appeal, but of course likely ignored. So unfair. The pressure for equity from those such as FACEBOOK over their monopolistic control of disseminating public opinion from responsible entities such as Church and State moves such entities closer to legislative regulation.
- Donald A. Collins, President, International Services Assistance Fund, Washington DC

On 28 January I appealed Facebook's 30th block against our Church and State website since 1 December 2015; see my blog post of 7 December, Fighting for survival in London: Facebook's 26th block against our Church and State website since 1 December 2015. Last month Church and State topped more than 3 million hits over the past year (WITH UPDATE 31/1/2018 RE: Block 30 DAY 4). The next day, on 29 January, Facebook added a restriction that prevented me from commenting on groups I belong to. They're saying that everything I try to post to groups is spam. Last night I couldn't even post to groups a new op-ed on Church and State by one of our authors, Don Collins, a freelance writer and venture capitalist based in Washington DC. Don is a member of several governing boards and advisory groups in America. Facebook states: "We removed this post because it looks like spam and doesn't follow our Community Standards." It's unfathomable even to think about it.

Update Summation 25 February 2018 (DAY 27)

The above op-ed spammed by Facebook on 30 January;
Restriction appealed by me on 30 January;*
Restriction maintained by Facebook: 30 January - 25 February.

* This sort of restriction only allows for one appeal.

The above summation is in marked contrast to the summation below in my previous blog post of 30 January about the spamming of book excerpts from another one of our authors, Will Facebook spam every single excerpt from Mark Tier's When God Speaks for Himself? Today I am going to publish three excerpts from the award-winning author's book (WITH UPDATE - DAY 7 4/2/2018).
Update Summation 4 February 2018 (DAY 7)

The above excerpt spammed by Facebook on 29 January;
Restriction appealed by me on 29 January;
Restriction lifted by Facebook on 29 January;
Spammed by Facebook on 30 January as soon as I try again;
Restriction lifted by Facebook on 30 January;
Spammed by Facebook on 31 January as soon as I try again;
Restriction lifted by Facebook on 31 January;
Spammed by Facebook on 1 February as soon as I try again;
Restriction lifted by Facebook on 1 February;
Temporary block maintained by Facebook: 1-2 February;*
Spammed by Facebook on 3 February as soon as I try again;
Restriction appealed by me on 3 February;
Restriction lifted by Facebook on 3 February;
Spammed by Facebook on 4 February as soon as I try again;
Restriction appealed by me on 4 February;
Restriction lifted by Facebook on 4 February.

Additional excerpts:
- 3 excerpts on 30 January: Temporary block on 1-2 February;
- 3 excerpts on 31 January: Temporary block on 1-2 February;
- 1 excerpt on 1 February: Temporary block on 1-2 February;
- 2 excerpts on 2 February: Temporary block on 2 February;
- 2 excerpts on 3 February: Spammed on 3 February.

Total number of excerpts from this book that I was blocked from posting to atheist groups on or before 4 February: 12

*Temporary block 1-2 February 2018 (without any stated reason):

From My Picks:

25 January: Complaint to NHS England CEO Simon Stevens: What's next with Declan's dental treatment for a now-erupted tooth? (WITH UPDATE 25/2/2018)

'Let me recommend an important web site Operating out of London this well-designed and exciting web site covers church-state, population, climate change and other issues. Check it out.' Edd Doerr, President, Americans for Religious Liberty