Thursday, August 20, 2015

I thought I could start work on Margaret Sanger's writings this morning. Not at all, they were all deleted overnight

Two days ago I moved files containing a book about Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger to a folder on my desktop, to begin work today on formatting an e-book for sale on Amazon's Kindle store. However, this morning I discovered that those files had disappeared. Our website has been under attack since Sunday (see previous blog post) and last night I also lost all access to the internet from my laptop.

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I was using a folder in the publisher's Dropbox as my backup but the files were gone from there too. This afternoon my contact in the publishing company based in New York informed me that she couldn't find the files either! It turns out that I also had a backup in an old laptop, but it will take me a long time to forget the shock I got this morning.

We have a long history of missing files and deleted emails and data, not to mention sabotaged communications of every description. The worst attack I can remember of this kind involved the deletion of hundreds of emails and draft documents in Declan's gmail account in 2008 (see complaint to the United Nations, paragraph 22).

As for the shock I got this morning, this blog post came immediately to mind (27 June 2012): Our flat door is removed by the live-in landlady's builder.

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