Tuesday, November 30, 2010

WMC: Declan pleads extreme financial hardship

Declan has come home this evening to the reply Mr Justice Sycamore of the High Court ordered the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to provide him with in respect to his claim for judicial review (the Judge's order is contained in the previous blog Judge issues order in Declan's case and more problems with our TV). Surface it is to say that the letter that the DWP has written and their summary grounds for dismissal of Declan's case are in blatant disregard for the provisions of section 9 of the Jobseekers Act 1995 (see blog of 13 November Declan's claim for judicial review). Mr Justice Sycamore also ordered that Declan resubmit his claim, if he still wishes to do so, after hearing from the DWP. He fully intends doing so, and promptly, despite having to declare "extreme financial hardship" in this email of complaint earlier this afternoon to Satnam Gill OBE, the principal and chief executive of The Working Men's College (WMC), one of London's premier adult education colleges:

As for our fifth TV in this our first tenancy off the street - after four TV blow-outs in the first ten months - tonight we have gone from one to two watchable analogue TV channels (see previous blog; this blog provides a link in context to stunning photos of MI5 whistleblower David Shayler who lived for a couple of years in one of the rooms below us). Not that Declan is missing the TV these days! I don't watch it at all.

This video of best selling author Christopher Hitchens debating Tony Blair in Canada last Friday, on whether religion is a force for good or ill, is the most popular video I have ever posted on the NAC website. I posted it on Saturday night and already over 200 people have shared my page through Facebook. When I listen to Hitchens I can't help thinking how sad it is that his voice will soon be cut short. He is terminally ill with cancer.