Thursday, September 09, 2010

Highgate Jobcentre Plus doesn't disappoint

For over a month now, Declan has been spending money we don't have on registered letters to, among others, the manager of our jobcentre, Highgate Jobcentre Plus, regarding Action for Employment (A4E) - a private sector company that has £300 million of Government training contracts and controls 25% of the long-term unemployment budget for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). This morning when Declan and I attended the jobcentre to sign our declarations it was more of the same: what letters? (The previous blog Letter to the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions has the background to the story so I won't repeat it here.) Having been forced to live rough on the streets of London for more than 2 1/2 years because Declan did not "sign on" TWO DAYS BEFORE he was due to do so on 29 September 2006 (see blog of 21 June 2010 Department for Work and Pensions double breaches the Data Protection Act: Letter to the Information Commissioner), we are under no illusion that the DWP is overly concerned about the law being on our side. So this is Declan's email to the chairman and owner of A4E, Emma Harrison CBE (see blog of 12 August Chairman of A4E in the spotlight; a steel worker's daughter, 43 year old Harrison is Britain's richest female entrepreneur):

Declan's follow up letter to Harrison has been archived here - this letter with enclosures is one of two letters that are central to our case for an Appeal Tribunal.

In our situation, it is natural for us to empathise with Julian Assange, the founder of Wikileaks, who is the target of a US Government smear campaign to destroy Wikileaks's effectiveness by discrediting their leadership, splitting them off from their supporters and donation base - we are actually tenants in the same house MI5 whistleblower David Shayler lived in for a couple of years; Shayler now goes by the name of Delores Kane, and has declared himself to be Jesus (see blog of 2 June More electronic harassment? Fifth TV rendered useless for a shocking photo of Shayler being removed from a squat). I have found a good article which deals with just how credible are the sexual allegations against Assange. Army Private First Class Bradley Manning, aged 22, has been held in isolation since May, charged with releasing classified documents to Wikileaks. One of those documents is a 2007 video that shows American troops shooting and killing 12 people, including two Reuters employees.

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